Welcome to the Riverwoods Media Group.

We’re a boutique content & community agency focused on education and deep connection.

The Riverwoods Media Group is owned and operated by former journalist, business coach and content expert Jenni Gritters, and her ex-nurse, tech-savvy husband, Sean Gritters.

Along with a team of content professionals, Jenni and Sean partner with emerging thought leaders, small business owners and mission-driven organizations to educate and serve audiences through connective, soulful storytelling and inspiring community spaces.

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“Jenni is intelligent, passionate, and direct––a champion task manager and a big-picture thinker who also happens to posses the skills to turn those big ideas into actionable plans... I couldn't more highly recommend Jenni.”

- Eve O’Neill, Former Senior Writer at Wirecutter; Current Editorial Director at Editorialist

What We Do

  • We help you design, launch and manage a newsletter that positions you as an expert in your industry while also inviting your audience to connect with you on a personal level.

  • We help you turn your existing teachings into newsletters, blogs, email marketing copy and social content. The goal: To extend the life of any content you’ve already produced.

    Jenni and Sarah are also available to assist with email marketing around specific launches.

  • Dreaming about launching a podcast? We’ll help you get from idea to action by managing graphics and audio production. We also provide content consulting as needed.

  • We partner with you to dream up and launch a membership program or community space for your clients on Kajabi, Mighty Networks or Circle. Create recurring revenue and serve your clients in an inclusive way!

  • We work with you to redesign or build a Squarespace website with a suite of lead magnets that will help you build a robust email list.

“Jenni Gritters is nothing short of an extraordinary talent. Meticulously and highly organized, mind-blowingly efficient, thorough and considerate, she was incredible partner for our team. She can literally tackle any project — no matter how large or small, you can absolutely rest assured that it will be handled flawlessly.”

- Amy O’Leary, former Editorial Director @ Upworthy & Headspace

Want to work with us?

Schedule a 30 minute call with Jenni and Sean!