We build content and communities that feel like you.

Consumers are tired of being marketed to at every turn. They don’t want perfect, personality-free content.

Instead, they want to get to know you. They want stories about what you care about, what you’ve been through and how you’re going to help them.

We believe that the best way to build a thriving business is through educating and being of service to your audience on a consistent basis. We’re all about the sustainable long-game and creating high quality products that are congruent with your worldview.

All of our client relationships are bespoke (because everyone needs something different!) This means we’ll get started with a free phone call. Together, we’ll create a multi-phase game plan for bringing your expertise and authentic branding to life.

The Case Study

Jenni and Sean opened the Riverwoods Media Group in late 2023 after building Jenni’s unique, hustle-free, content-based business coaching model. In just six months, JWG Coaching tripled in month-over-month revenue, all while Jenni and Sean worked 20 hours/ week each. This growth was largely due to:

Everyone wanted to know how we did it.

Now, let us teach you how.

"Jenni is one of the most thorough and impeccably organized people I've ever worked with. Her communication during the process was fantastic; the exact right balance of efficient and making sure I really was in the loop on everything as she worked. And she caught so many important details. [My book project] was immeasurably better because of her work on it.”

— Virginia Sole-Smith

Journalist and NYT bestselling author of Fat Talk: Parenting in the Age of Diet Culture

Our Services

  • Newsletter Launches & Management

    We help you design, launch and manage a newsletter that positions you as an expert in your industry while also inviting your audience to connect with you on a personal level.

  • Content Repurposing & Copywriting

    We help you turn your existing teachings into newsletters, blogs, email marketing copy and social content. The goal: To extend the life of any content you’ve already produced. Jenni and Sarah are also available to assist with email marketing around specific launches.

  • Podcast Launches & Audio Production

    Dreaming about launching a podcast? We’ll help you get from idea to action by co-creating a mission statement, content calendar, intro song, graphics for promotion, and beyond. We also provide ongoing audio production services and content consulting as needed.

  • Community & Membership Launches

    We partner with you to dream up and launch a membership program or community space for your clients on Kajabi, Mighty Networks or Circle. Create recurring revenue and serve your clients in an inclusive way!

  • Website & Digital Product Creation

    We work with you to redesign or build a Squarespace website with a suite of lead magnets (high-quality freebies!) that will help you build a robust email list.

  • Bespoke Storytelling Services

    Jenni still produces articles, long-form journalism and blog content on occasion. This content typically focuses on the psychology of self-employment and parenting. She continues to create product reviews for select clients, with operations and research support from her team.

"I had an AWESOME experience working with Riverwoods Media Group on my website transfer and refresh. They were super fast when it came to delivering website work. Everyone is a pleasure to work with and I didn't have to over explain anything. They got what I wanted and turned it around quickly and beautifully. They are my new go-to partner for everything web-related!"

— Juliet Travis

CEO and founder @ Liftoff Communications

Past clients include:

Jenni has consulted on, written, designed and launched dozens of newsletters and podcasts for independent creators including Juliet Travis, Micaela Blei, Joni Sweet, L’Oreal Thompson Payton, Ashley Fenker, Cara Waterfall, and beyond.

You can find Jenn’s journalistic bylines in The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, USA Today, the Guardian, and beyond. A round up of her most recent clips can be found here.

She’s also worked with dozens of brands and organizations on content-related projects, including REI, Avocado mattress, the University of Washington, Johns Hopkins University, Ness Well, Headspace and beyond.

Podcast, newsletter, website, content and copy samples available upon request.

“Sean is an outstanding brand advisor who truly understands the importance of authenticity. He took the time to delve into my personality and discover what makes me tick. This deep understanding helped me create a brand that is genuinely reflective of who I am. Sean's thoughtful approach and keen insights were invaluable in shaping a brand that feels authentic and resonant. I highly recommend Sean to anyone seeking to develop a brand that is true to their unique identity.”

- Jessica Mullen

Owner, Remedium Legal Nurse Consulting

What it’s like to work with us:

THE CLIENT: An early stage, venture-funded health credit card brand.

THE WORK: Jenni partnered with the client to create templates for premium, highly researched content marketing articles, then consulted strategically to help the brand build up their audience across newsletters, social media and on-site content. Jenni also created articles for the client and provided consistent ideation support on new content formats and hiring.

THE RESULTS: The publication jumped from 0 to 100,000 unique page views per month within 3 months, driving hundreds of new customers to the product waitlist. The client was also able to hire a team of 10 freelancers and produce between 3-5 stories per week. The managing editor felt confident to move forward with an easy-to-execute strategy that drove big results.

“Jenni and her crew were an instrumental part of building the editorial process at Ness! She’s supremely organized and brings great ideas and unique insight to every meeting. I’d recommend her to anyone looking to develop and/or scale a blog or publication.”

Want to work with us?

Schedule a 30 minute call with Jenni and Sean!